
The Belgian Saxophone Ensemble

The Belgian Saxophone Ensemble is a Belgian ensemble consisting of 12 excellent young saxophonists.  They started their common artistic adventure in 2012. The BSE has set itself the artistic challenge of crossing the borders between different musical categories – contemporary, classical, jazz, improvised and traditional music. The unique sound of the BSE is achieved by both the exploration of the rich array of possibilities of the saxophone and the presence of nearly all the instruments of the extended saxophone family. The Flemish Ministry of Culture has provided concrete acknowledgement of the Belgian Saxophone Ensemble innovations by subsidizing its artistic activities.

The ensemble’s repertoire consists mainly of pieces specially written for it. It’s music which can range from avant-garde to neo-classical and sometimes it swings and sometimes it creates grooves….

The BSE is conducted by Cezariusz Gadzina, the founder and the first conductor of The European Saxophone Ensemble.

More info ? Please find it on the website of The Belgian Saxophone Ensemble.

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